Here's how long it took me to get it together and produce the 2/11/12 strip. When I scripted it, the jackpot for PowerBall was $200M. When I started to sketch it, the jackpot was $250. On Saturday, 2/11, it was $310M (what you see in the strip), but I actually posted it on 2/13, when the jackpot was back down to $40M (but I kept 2/11 as the strip's "official" date with that date's prize). As I wrote at the bottom of the strip, somebody in Maine won the jackpot.
I'm not sure if I'm going to officially change my posting schedule to 2x/month, 1x/month, or "whenever I get to it," but that seems to be the de facto schedule lately. I am telling myself I'll get back to my "every Saturday" patten sooner or later. Hope you'll bear with me!
I'm not sure if I'm going to officially change my posting schedule to 2x/month, 1x/month, or "whenever I get to it," but that seems to be the de facto schedule lately. I am telling myself I'll get back to my "every Saturday" patten sooner or later. Hope you'll bear with me!
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